vendredi 25 mars 2022

Is this a valid implementation of Memento Pattern?

I've been studying design patterns from GOF for a few weeks, especially in C#, and I'm struggling with Memento Pattern. I know there is a lot of C# implementations on the web, but I came with my own version of it. The question is: although it diverges from GOF UML, is it still reasonable and valid considering SOLID principles?

What is your opinion?

interface IMemento
    List<IMemento> Mementos { get; set; }

    void SetMemento();
    IMemento? GetMemento(uint index);
    IMemento? GetPreviousMemento() => (Mementos.Count > 1) ? Mementos[Mementos.Count - 2] : null; // Optional method

class Subject : IMemento // Originator

    public Subject(string prop1, int prop2)
        Prop1 = prop1;
        Prop2 = prop2;

    private string _prop1;
    public string Prop1 
        get => _prop1;
            _prop1 = value;

    private int _prop2;
    public int Prop2
        get => _prop2;
            _prop2 = value;

    public List<IMemento> Mementos { get; set; } = new List<IMemento>(); // Caretaker

    public void Method1() { }
    public void Method2() { }

    public void SetMemento() => Mementos.Add((IMemento)MemberwiseClone());
    public IMemento? GetMemento(uint index) => (index < Mementos.Count) ? Mementos[(int)index] : null;
    public IMemento? GetPreviousMemento() => (Mementos.Count > 1) ? Mementos[Mementos.Count - 2] : null;

I've already tested and from my point of view, the only big problem can be with memory consume, but that is a normal issue when it comes to Memento and it can be solved with Flyweight, for example.

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