lundi 21 mars 2022

I am studying the abstract factory pattern, is it good practice to have an abstract factory for each type of class?

I am implementing the abstract factory pattern, is there a way to not use an abstract class for different class types?

The structure of my classes is like this: Structure Project

Rectangle.cs and Square.cs implement IShape.cs: Structure Class for AbstractShapeFactory

namespace FactoryMethod.Patterns.Creational.Factory.Shape
    public interface IShape
        public void Draw();
namespace FactoryMethod.Patterns.Creational.Factory.Shape.Normal
    public class Rectangle : IShape
        public void Draw()
            Console.WriteLine("Normal Rectangle");

NormalShapeImp.cs and RoundedShapeImp.cs implement AbstractShapeFactory.cs

The AbstractShapeFactory.cs class looks like this:

namespace FactoryMethod.Patterns.Creational.Factory
    public enum TypeShape
        Square = 1,
        Rectangle = 2

    public abstract class AbstractShapeFactory
        public abstract IShape CreateShape(TypeShape typeShape);

public class NormalShapeImp : AbstractShapeFactory
        public override IShape CreateShape(TypeShape typeShape)
            return typeShape switch
                TypeShape.Square => new Square(),
                TypeShape.Rectangle => new Rectangle(),
                _ => new Square(),

The AbstractPaymentFactory.cs class looks like this:

namespace FactoryMethod.Patterns.Creational.Factory
    public enum TypePayment
        Google = 1,
        Paypal = 2

    public abstract class AbstractPaymentFactory
        public abstract IPayment CreatePayment(TypePayment typePayment);

namespace FactoryMethod.Patterns.Creational.Factory.Payment
    public class LocalPaymentImp : AbstractPaymentFactory
        public override IPayment CreatePayment(TypePayment typePayment)
            return typePayment switch
                TypePayment.Google => new LocalGooglePayment(),
                TypePayment.Paypal => new LocalPaypal(),
                _ => new LocalGooglePayment(),

I have two abstract factory classes AbstractPaymentFactory.cs Y AbstractShapeFactory.cs

And I have a FactoryProducer.cs class that is in charge of returning one or the other Factory.

namespace FactoryMethod.Patterns.Creational.Factory
    public class FactoryProducer
        public static AbstractPaymentFactory GetPaymentFactory(bool isLocal)
            if (isLocal)
                return new LocalPaymentImp();

            return new ForeignPaymentImp();

        public static AbstractShapeFactory GetShapeFactory(bool isRounded)
            if (isRounded)
                return new RoundedShapeImp();

            return new NormalShapeImp();

I have my Program.cs class as follows:

static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Pattern Abstract Factory

            /* Factory Payment */
            Console.WriteLine("Factory Payment:");
            Console.WriteLine("Select Type Payment:");
            Console.WriteLine("1- Google (default)");
            Console.WriteLine("2- Paypal");

            int inputType = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("Select Account:");
            Console.WriteLine("0- Local");
            Console.WriteLine("1- Foreign (default)");
            bool opAccount = Console.ReadLine() == "0";

            AbstractPaymentFactory factoryPayment = FactoryProducer.GetPaymentFactory(opAccount);
            IPayment payment = factoryPayment.CreatePayment((TypePayment)inputType);

            /* End Factory Payment */

            /* Factory Shape */
            Console.WriteLine("Factory Payment:");
            Console.WriteLine("Select Type Shape");
            Console.WriteLine("1- Square (default)");
            Console.WriteLine("2- Rectangle");

            int inputTypeShape = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("0- Normal (default)");
            Console.WriteLine("1- Rounded");
            bool opShape = Console.ReadLine() == "0";

            AbstractShapeFactory factoryShape = FactoryProducer.GetShapeFactory(opShape);
            IShape shape = factoryShape.CreateShape((TypeShape)inputTypeShape);

            /* End Factory Shape */


Is what I am doing a good practice? Is there another way to not create a abstract factory for different types?

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