vendredi 11 février 2022

Where should I put the complex queries using the Repository Pattern?

I have an application in which I use Entity Framework, and I have a class called BaseRepository<T> with a few basic CRUD methods, such as (Get, GetAll, Update, Delete, Insert), and from this class I generate my specific repositories, such like BaseRepository <Products>, BaseRepository<People>, BaseRepository<Countries> and many more.

The problem is that, when I have a complex logic in the service, that involves making joins of several tables and that does not return an entity, but an object that is handled in the service (it is neither a DB entity nor a DTO), I find that repositories don't help me much with just basic CRUD operations.

Where should I put this query complex? in which of the repositories should it be? How do I join these repositories? The problem is that I see that the repositories handle a single entity, what should I do in this case? I've been doing some research and read that returning IQueryable<T> is bad practice, so I rule out that possibility of sending IQueryable<T> of the tables I'm going to join the service and do it there.

I've researched and found no clear answer. I would like to know how and where these complex queries are organized, since I also want to respect the responsibility of each repository with its respective entity.

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