mardi 29 décembre 2020

System design course for our "Ideas man" [closed]

I'm the lead developer at a new startup and we're having issues when it comes to feature requests in general and the Characterization of the product - it's a complete mess. My friend whom I consider as a genius have great ideas for our app but it's impossible to understand what he wants, he gives me drawings of "screens" and I need to figure out what is the user input, output, what the API and App should do when you press a button, how does the database looks like etc... in the end I find myself writing the code again and again, changing the database structure because there's something new there he didn't mentioned and just waisting precious time.

We're using Monday and I feel like he's not using it as intended, too much boards and complication. (I've worked with Monday before and I never got so frustrated) I'm looking for maybe a Udemy course or something that can teach him how to properly characterise, make a feature request, generally just bring him up to the standard I'm used to from other high-tech companies. just to clarify, I love designing the code structure, database and everything but the characterisations are just not enough for me to start with as a developer and I can't even estimate the time required for the developers to get things ready.

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