lundi 21 décembre 2020

Mosquitto ACL can't define user-specific specification unless all users are specified

Can anyone see what's wrong with this ACL? It is the most simple of configurations, but doesn't work.

My goal is to have:

  1. all regular users read and write to /#.
  2. all regular users can also read from the admin at sys/$
  3. a user named 'system' can read/write to all routes, and importantly, to sys/#

The following configuration, as far as I can tell, should work, but doesn't:

pattern %u/#        
topic read sys/#    

user system         
topic #   

Whenever I specify a configuration for any one user ('system' in this case), all other users can no longer connect.

If I comment out the 'topic #' under that specific user, it works, but of course then my 'system' user can no longer send to sys/#.

pattern %u/#        
topic read sys/#    

user system         
#topic # 

It works if I provide specifications for each of the users individually, such as the following:

topic read sys/#
pattern %u/#

user system
topic #

#-- begin user-specific specifications

user george
topic george/#

user kathy
topic katy/#        

user moe
topic katy/#   [... etc]

I can grow the ACL file programmatically, but it seems I should have to, and the first ACL should work.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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