dimanche 19 juillet 2020

local state and global state in angular

Is it redundant to keep a local state in a component and an app state in a global service?

My goal is to centralized the data in one place (a store), but I also want my component to be stand alone as much as possible and to handle business logic sperific to that data

Let say I want my app to show some products.

I have a getProductsFromServer function in a products folder. A Guard/Resolver call that function each time the internal state inside the service changes, data is emited via a BehaviorSubject. I have one place in my app which is listening to that data so other components (if needed) can be notified from that centralized place.

// app/resolvers/data.resolver.ts:


// app/products/products.service

private _internalData: Products = {
isLoading: false,
isLoaded: false,
errors: null
data: []
public products$ = new BehaviorSubject(this._internalData);
this.internalData = {...this.internalData,
isLoading: true
httpRequest.then(data => {
this.internalData = {...this.internalData,
isLoading: false,
isLoaded: true,

// app/store.service.ts

public state$ : BehaviorSubject;

products: data

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