In the past I reduced the repetition in operator<
, <=
, >
and >=
functions of data type classes by writing a helper function which takes a comparison function as argument.
Simplified, a such class looks like this:
class Foo {
bool comparison(const Foo &other, std::function<bool(int a, int b)> compFn) {
if (_a == other._a) {
if (_b == other._b) {
return compFn(_c, other._c);
return compFn(_b, other._b);
return compFn(_a, other._a);
bool operator<(const Foo &other) const {
return comparison(other, &std::less<int>::operator())
bool operator<=(const Foo &other) const {
return comparison(other, &std::less_equal<int>::operator())
bool operator>(const Foo &other) const {
return comparison(other, &std::greater<int>::operator())
bool operator>=(const Foo &other) const {
return comparison(other, &std::greater_equal<int>::operator())
int _a;
int _b;
int _c;
The real classes use complexes data types, but the principle stays the same. The comparison less or greater is a comparison of a number of attributes in a given order.
Using the comparison
function I can change this order at any time, just rewriting a single function. Also the logic is at a single point and not repeated in four places.
Is there a established design pattern to cover this situation?
I realised that there are already the comparison objects, like std::less
. But I could not find a simple way to use them instead instead of the shown solution.
Can the shown solution further simplified using other language features or the standard library?
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