mercredi 31 janvier 2018

C++ Model View Design

I am currently struggling with the design of an application of the visualization and manipulation of sensor data. I have a database that contains several STL-containers with measured data in it.

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::array<uint16_t, 3366>> data1;
std::unordered_map<std::string, QImage> data2;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<Point3D>> data3;

I also have different Views (mostly Qt-based) and each view should be associated with a model which is specific to one of the data sets. So data1 is supposed to be processed and manipulated in a class called model1 which is then displayed by means of a class view1 and so forth.

But I cant seem to find a suitable design structure to incorporate this idea. the models grant access to their processed data, but that data is contained in different container structures as given above. That makes it unfeasible to use inheritance with a pure virtual function in the base class like

std::map<...,...> getModelData() = 0;

The initial idea of this inheritance was to avoid code duplication but that doesnt seem to be the right solution here. I know that Qt in their "Model-View" concepts makes use of their QVariant class to have maximum flexibility in terms of types being returned. However, I am wondering, what is the best solution with standard C++ here? I read a lot about striving for loose-coupling, code reuseability, Dependendy Inversion and how to favour composition over inheritance but I do have problems putting these theoretical advise into practice and end up with code bloat and repetitive code most of the times. Can you help me?

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