samedi 25 novembre 2017

What's the best design for extra data on behaviour class?

I have a game where the player can finish some tasks.

I have separated the behaviour part of the task to its ORM part. Eventually a copy of the task is being saved somewhere on the player's document (doesn't matter where for this specific question).

The problem is, I am not sure where to put the extra information that I send to the client that is not necessary for the behaviour itself, but it is needed to show the player information regarding the task itself.

This is my task interface:

interface ITask
     * @param Player $player
    public function init(Player $player);

     * @param PlayerAction $action
    public function progress(PlayerAction $action);

    public function reset();

     * @return bool
    public function isComplete();

This is my abstract task:

abstract class BaseTask implements ITask
     * @var int
    public $id;

     * @var int
    protected $currentValue;

     * @var int
    protected $targetValue;

    public function __construct($targetValue)
        $this->currentValue = 0;
        $this->targetValue = $targetValue;

     * @param int
    public abstract function setCurrentValue($current);

     * @return  int
    public abstract function getCurrentValue();

     * @return int
    public abstract function getID();

     * @param int
    public abstract function setID($id);

     * @return int
    public abstract function getTargetValue();

     * @param int
    public abstract function setTargetValue($target);

     * @return boolean
    public function isComplete()
        if ($this->getCurrentValue() >= $this->getTargetValue())
            return true;

        return false;

Now I need to decide how where to put the extra data, e.g description, title, theme etc...

  1. I thought about two options: I can just put it on the base task itself, but then what happens if I don't need it? I just leave it blank? feel like the wrong place for me.
  2. I could create a wrapper class that will hold the task, but then I will need to always call the wrapper to get to the task, and it feels kind of wrong.

Looking for alternative suggestions.

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