jeudi 23 mars 2017

Designing static Logger with multiple implementations

Currently there's an API kinda methods exposed to trace the logs for another dependent applications

public class Logger {
    public static void Init() {}
    public static void Verbose(string msg) {}
    public static void Warn(string msg) {}
    public static void Error(string msg) {}

With some design changes, I want to introduce another type of Logger, will be activated based on certain conditions

protected class FileLogger {
    public static void Verbose(string msg) {}
    public static void Warn(string msg) {}
    public static void Error(string msg) {}

protected class ConsoleLogger {
    public static void Verbose(string msg) { //do diff}
    public static void Warn(string msg) { // do different}
    public static void Error(string msg) {}

The Logger is already exposed and which can be called in static way Logger.Warn("test"). What would be the ideal design pattern/implementation to hide the implementation without breaking the contract.

One simple way is to use if and else in the main Logger to push which one should be called which seems to be pretty vague.

Since it's Logger which didn't expose an interface and with static methods, what's the right design to solve the problem?

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