jeudi 24 novembre 2016

Parse error: syntax error... When I try get one static instance another php class

I'm trying to get a static instance of a class in another php class (singleton pattern), but it throws a syntax error "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(', waiting ',' or ';'".Can someone explain me why I can not do that in Php?. I am using php 5.5.38.

Example code:


    Class A{

        private static $instance=null;

        private function __Constrcut(){
          #Some initialization of parameters

       public static function getInstance(){
             self::$instance=new A();
          return self::$instance;

Another class file


    include ('path/to/A class/A.php');

    Class B{

       #Line error
       private static $a_instance = A::getInstance();

       public funtion __Construct(){
          #Some parameters....           


      #Some other functions....



Thank you for helpme :) .

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