samedi 31 janvier 2015

PHPUnit TDD questions

I'm learning TDD and I have some questions. - The idea is to create a Simple Factory guided by tests. The thing is that my test coverage isn't 100% and that is where my questions lies.

Before I show you the code, let me explain what I want.

  • The factory is responsable to instantiate the classes and to test this I have to simulate the instantiation of the class, doing this I'm using a concrete class, it works, but when I see the test coverage, the concrete class appear and it isn't 100% tested. (You will understand). - I want to avoid that, I want to test the factory as abstract as possible.

  • And the other problem is that I want to insert the factory as dependency on the constructor, how to test this?

The coverage:

  • PizzaStore.php - 33,33% - The constructor with the factory dependency isn't tested.

  • PizzaFactory.php - 100%

  • Pizza.php - 100%

  • Pizza/Greek.php - 0.00% - Appeared after testing the factory using the concrete class.



<?php namespace Pattern\SimpleFactory;

use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase;

class PizzaTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

private $pizza;

public function setUp()
$this->pizza = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza');

* @covers Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza::setName
* @covers Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza::getName
public function testPizzaSetsAndReturnsTheExpectedName()
$pizzaName = 'Greek Pizza';
$this->assertEquals($pizzaName, $this->pizza->getName());

* @covers Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza::setDescription
* @covers Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza::getDescription
public function testPizzaSetsAndReturnsTheExpectedDescription()
$pizzaDescription = 'A Pepperoni-style pizza with dough, tomato, and cheese';
$this->assertEquals($pizzaDescription, $this->pizza->getDescription());



<?php namespace Pattern\SimpleFactory;

use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase;

class PizzaStoreTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

* @covers Pattern\SimpleFactory\PizzaStore::order
public function testStoreShouldReturnsTheRequestedPizzaWhenOrdered()
$factory = new PizzaFactory();
$store = new PizzaStore($factory);
$pizza = $store->order('greek');
$this->assertInstanceOf('Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza', $pizza);



<?php namespace Pattern\SimpleFactory;

use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase;

class PizzaFactoryTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

* @var PizzaFactory
private $pizzaFactory;

public function setUp()
$this->pizzaFactory = new PizzaFactory();

* @covers Pattern\SimpleFactory\PizzaFactory::make
public function testPizzaFactoryMakesAPizza()
$pizza = $this->pizzaFactory->make('greek');
$this->assertInstanceOf('Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza', $pizza);

* @covers Pattern\SimpleFactory\PizzaFactory::make
public function testPizzaFactoryReturnsNullWhenMakingANonexistentPizza()
$pizza = $this->pizzaFactory->make(null);



<?php namespace Pattern\SimpleFactory;

* @package Pattern\SimpleFactory
class PizzaStore {

* @var PizzaFactory
private $factory;

* @param PizzaFactory $factory
function __construct(PizzaFactory $factory)
$this->factory = $factory;

* @param string $name
* @return null|Pizza
public function order($name)
return $this->factory->make($name);



<?php namespace Pattern\SimpleFactory;

* @package Pattern\SimpleFactory
class PizzaFactory {

* @var array
private $pizzas = [
'greek' => 'Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza\Greek',
'pepperoni' => 'Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza\Pepperoni',

* @param string $name
* @return null|Pizza
public function make($name)
if (isset($this->pizzas[$name]))
return new $this->pizzas[$name];

return null;



<?php namespace Pattern\SimpleFactory;

* @package Pattern\SimpleFactory
abstract class Pizza {

* @var string
private $name;
* @var string
private $description;

* @return string
public function getName()
return $this->name;

* @param string $name
public function setName($name)
$this->name = $name;

* @return string
public function getDescription()
return $this->description;

* @param string $description
public function setDescription($description)
$this->description = $description;



<?php namespace Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza;

use Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza;

* @package Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza
class Pepperoni extends Pizza {

function __construct()
parent::setName('Pizza Pepperoni');
parent::setDescription('A Pepperoni-style pizza with dough, tomato, and cheese');



<?php namespace Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza;

use Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza;

* @package Pattern\SimpleFactory\Pizza
class Greek extends Pizza {

function __construct()
parent::setName('Pizza Greek');
parent::setDescription('A Greek-style pizza with feta cheese, onion, olive and tomato');


And that is it, anything wrong, please, say it. Thank you in advance.

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