jeudi 16 novembre 2017

Design for locking conversations with activeMQ

I have one consumer A that can handle one type of message, which has a conversation_id allowing it to retrieve its content, loading it from a database.

Once it has handled it, consumer A passes the message to a pool of consumer B, doing stuff on the content, then saving it into the database.

The problem is, when two messages with the same conversation_id arrive at the same time, they get both the same content loaded, then are both handled by one (different) consumer of type B, and then the content save is inconsistent.

I was thinking of putting a kind of lock on a conversation_id (directly in DB) while it is handled by consumer A, then unlock it when consumer B has finished.

The problem is : how can I handle upcoming messages then ?

I got a hack-y-ish solution : consumer A has a list of pending_messages and locked_ids : if a message comes and is not in locked_ids, I add its conversation_id into locked_ids and I pass it to consumer B.

If the message is in locked_ids, I add it to pending_messages. Then I loop over my pending_messages. If a conversation_id is not locked anymore, I handle the first message in the queue with this conversation_id.

I find this solution a bit over-engineered because it forces consumer A to manage locks and queues internally.

Is there a better design to handle this problem only with MQ ?

Thanks in advance

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