mardi 23 mai 2017

Strategy pattern movies conditionals from inside the main class to the client code, so what's the point?

I am trying to understand the strategy pattern, here is an example, we have a Customer that has a method GetDiscount, this method is written as follows

    If (Condition1)
        Return 10%
    else (Condition2)
        Return 20%

Now I have refactored the code using the strategy pattern so it becomes

     Invoke the attached strategy

And we create two strategy class 10%Strategy and 20%Strategy to encapsulate the behavior of the discount

And for the client code to use the customer class it becomes

c = new Customer

else (condition2)


So as you can see we have moved the conditionals from inside Customer class into the client code, not only this, but this conditional branching itself is considered a business logic and we let it to leak into client code that might be a presentation controller for example.

Am I missing something?

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