lundi 22 mai 2017

Client/server pattern to hold local objets?

I'm working on an Android application that uses data from a server. I have a singleton Application object holding data that is used throughout the app (the User, its Addresses, etc.).

Until now, I was populating these data on the fly, ie. when I'm opening AddressesActivity, I call the addresses webService that populates data in Application before displaying the list.

However as the app grows and I need the same data in different places, I'm starting to duplicate code to populate the data. Plus I have to do checks all the time (if app.addresses == null callAddressesWebService, etc.).

I have some ideas to refactor this nicely, but I was wondering if there was a well-known pattern specifically for this particular issue?


Here's what I started doing, any insight?

public abstract class LazyLoaded<T> {
    private T localValue = null;
    private boolean upToDate = false;

    public void get(final SingleResultCallback<T> successCallback, final ErrorCallback errorCallback) {
        if (getLocalValue() != null && isUpToDate()) {
        else {
                    new EmptyCallback() {
                        public void onResponse() {
                            get(successCallback, errorCallback);

    protected abstract void update(EmptyCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback);

    protected T getLocalValue() {
        return localValue;

    protected void setLocalValue(T localValue) {
        this.localValue = localValue;
        this.upToDate = true;

    protected boolean isUpToDate() {
        return upToDate;

    public void setObsolete() {
        upToDate = false;

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