dimanche 2 avril 2017

Design system for a given Article class with states

Having the following problem. Article goes through several stages before being published by several different Roles.

Writer -> writes
Approver -> approves
Admin -> Publishes

Design a program that allow for maximum extensibility: This is what I have. Can someone please let me know if this is the right approach? is there a better one?

public interface IRole
    IRole Write();
    IRole Approve();
    IRole Publish();

internal class Writer : IRole
    public IRole Write()
        return new Approver(); // next needs approval

    public IRole Approve()
        return this;

    public IRole Publish()
        return this;

internal class Approver : IRole
    public IRole Write()
        return new Writer();

    public IRole Approve()
        // publish
        return new Admin();

    public IRole Publish()
        return this;

internal class Admin : IRole
    public IRole Write()
        return new Writer();

    public IRole Approve()
        return new Approver();

    public IRole Publish()
        return this;

internal class Article
    public Article()
        role = new Writer();

    private IRole role { get; set; }

    public void Write()
        role = role.Write();

    public void Approve()
        role = role.Approve();

    public void Publish()
        role = role.Publish();

internal class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        var article = new Article();
        article.Approve(); // can't do - write first
        article.Publish(); // can't do
        article.Approve(); // can
        article.Write(); // can go back

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