mercredi 15 mars 2017

Java or python to apply design patterns?

I have to do one exercise for an interview. I still don't know what it is about but I've been told that I will have to apply design patters for sure. That's what they value the most.

In all the books I've read Java is mostly used as the example language for OOP exercises but I am stronger in Python. The thing is that if they value design patterns maybe Java would still be a better option since it shows better some technical concepts involved in inheritance (interface, abstract class...) and it's a typed language.

What language would you use?

And I'm a bit new into design patterns (apart from MVC and Delegate). I'm learning about Observer, Decorator, Factory, Abstract Factory, Adapter, Facade, Template and Singleton patterns.

Am I missing any important pattern? Would you think some of this patterns is obsolete or rarely applied?

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