jeudi 23 mars 2017

Abstract factory method pattern with Ninject

This is a school project where I have an abstract class Store with two child classes:

public abstract class Store
    public IProcessedOrder ProcessOrder(IOrder order)
       this.CreateCoffee(order.CoffeeType, order.Size)
       // Do stuff here

    protected abstract IBeverage CreateCoffee(string coffeeType, BeverageSizeType size);

First child class:

public class StoreA : Store
    protected override IBeverage CreateCoffee(string coffeeType, BeverageSizeType size)
        switch (coffeeType)
            case "Americano": return new Americano(size);
            case "Capuccino": return new Capuccino(size);
            case "Espresso": return new Espresso(size);
            case "Latte": return new Latte(size);
                throw new ArgumentException();

The other child class looks the same but returns different coffee types.

This switch is bad implementation because if tomorrow I need another coffee type, I will have to come back to StoreA class and add new code. I would like to get rid of the switch and rather use Ninject for object composition. Since I'm quite new to Ninject (MVC as well) I can't say I fully understand what and how Ninject does exactly. Can you help how to bind this CreateCoffee method for both classes.

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