samedi 18 février 2017

how can i capture image gallery's without a range

i have already this code

but for this it makes a pattern like image[1-10].jpg but what i want is to fetch the gallley like this above but also like what do i get to chance to get this working.

hope someone can tel me the tric.

$parts = preg_split("/\[\d+-\d+\]/", $url, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
preg_match_all("/\[\d+-\d+\]/", $url, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$parts_number = count($parts);
$matches_number = count($matches[0]);
// JYM
if ($parts_number==1) {

    $url = str_replace("[", '', $url);
    $url = str_replace("]", '', $url);

    $alto = str_replace("/", '_', $image_alt_url);
    $alto = str_replace("www", '', $alto);
    $alto = str_replace("http", '', $alto);
    $alto = str_replace("https", '', $alto);
    $alto = str_replace("jpg", '', $alto);
    $alto = str_replace("com", '', $alto);
    $alto = str_replace("net", '', $alto);
    $alto = str_replace("info", '', $alto);
    $alto = str_replace("", '', $alto);
    $alto = str_replace("org", '', $alto);
    $alto = str_replace(".", '', $alto);
    $alto = str_replace(":_", '', $alto);
    $alto = str_replace("-", '_', $alto);
    $alto = preg_replace("/[^a-z-_]/",'',$alto);
    $alto = str_replace("__", '_', $alto);
    $alto = str_replace("___", '_', $alto);
    $alto = str_replace("_", '-', $alto);
    $alto=substr($alto, 1, -1);

    $ary_header = get_headers($url, 1);
    $filesize = $ary_header['Content-Length'];

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