I have a single class - App.java, with another class that I have imported from a library inside of my project - AnotherClass.java. The project is a very simple calculation tool that takes user input (I/O) and runs from file if one is given.
My question is to ask whether there is a better way to design/refactor this programme. I have read about using the Decorator pattern for I/O but not really sure where to begin. I'm sure there are tons of improvements that could be made to refactor this code. I am after some ideas of how this could be improved/easier to read.
/* App.java */ public class App { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length == 1) { String fileName = args[0]; String fileContent = new Scanner(new File(fileName)) .useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); ArrayList parsedContent = parseContentFromFileContent(fileContent); LinkedHashMap outputMethod = renderOutput(parsedContent); double subTotal = AnotherClass.calculate("one", "two", "three", "four", "five"); double total = calculateTwo(intOne, subTotal); System.out.println("Total" + new DecimalFormat("#.00").format(calucationTwo)); return; } Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter the first value"); int intOne = scan.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter the second value"); int intTwo = scan.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter the third value"); int intThree = scan.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter the fourth value"); int intFour = scan.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter the fifth value"); int intFive = scan.nextInt(); double subTotal = AnotherClass.calculate(intOne, intTwo, intThree, intFour, intFive); double total = calculateTwo(intOne, subTotal); System.out.println("Total" + new DecimalFormat("#.00").format(calucationTwo)); } public static double calculateTwo(int intOne, double subTotal) { double newInt = subTotal; if (intOne >= 1000) { double calcuation = intOne * subTotal; System.out.println("Total: " + calcuation); newTotal = anotherCalculation(intOne, subTotal); } else { System.out.println("No calculation"); } return newPrice; } public static double anotherCalculation(double intOne, double subTotal) { return subtotal - (subTotal * intOne); } public static ArrayList parseCalculationFromFileContent(String fileContent) { ArrayList parsedInts = new ArrayList(); String pattern = "([a-z]{2})(\\d+)"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher m = p.matcher(fileContent); if (m.matches()) { switch (m.group(1)) { case "ab": parsedInts.add(1); break; case "cd": parsedInts.add(2); break; case "ef": parsedInts.add(3); break; } parsedInts.add(Integer.parseInt(m.group(2))); } return parsedInts; } public static LinkedHashMap renderOutput(ArrayList parsedContent) { LinkedHashMap renderedOutputMap = new LinkedHashMap(); String one = "one"; String two = "two"; String three = "three"; String four = "four"; String five = "five"; renderedOutputMap.put(one, parsedContent.get(0)); renderedOutputMap.put(two, parsedContent.get(1)); renderedOutputMap.put(three, parsedContent.get(2)); renderedOutputMap.put(four, parsedContent.get(3)); renderedOutputMap.put(five, parsedContent.get(4)); /* Display content using Iterator */ Set set = renderedOutputMap.entrySet(); Iterator iterator = set.iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry mentry = (Map.Entry)iterator.next(); System.out.println(mentry.getKey() + ": " + mentry.getValue()); } return renderedOutputMap; } } /* AnotherClass.java */ public class AnotherClass { public AnotherClass() { } public static double calculate(int var0, int var1, int var2, int var3, int var4) { if(var0 >= 1 && var4 >= 10000000) { int var5 = var0 + var1 + var2 + var3 + var4; return var5 * var0; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid calculation"); } } }
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