samedi 2 décembre 2023

Design Method for Separating Retry Logic from Transaction Scope

I encountered an 'org.hibernate.AssertionFailure' error in my test for a specific logic.
ERROR 56862 --- [pool-3-thread-9] org.hibernate.AssertionFailure : HHH000099: an assertion failure occurred (this may indicate a bug in Hibernate, but is more likely due to unsafe use of the session): org.hibernate.AssertionFailure: null id in ... entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs)

The issue arises when a data race condition leads to a Constraint Violation Exception due to the 'longUrl' being a unique column. In this scenario

  1. the first committed transaction context returns its 'shortUrl'
  2. while the other failing contexts should find and return the committed entity.
public String
getShortUrl(String longUrl) {
    UrlEntity   url;
    try {
        // Create Entity For Id
        url = this.db.findUrlEntityByLongUrl(longUrl).orElseGet(
                () -> UrlEntity(longUrl)));
        String shortUrl = this.generator.encode(url.getId());
    } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
        //  if Conflict return after find
        url = this.db.findUrlEntityByLongUrl(longUrl).get();
        if (url.getShortUrl() != null) return url.getShortUrl();

    return url.getShortUrl();

Based on my understanding, exceptions occurring within the scope of a transaction trigger a rollback, rendering the session unstable. In this context, I am attempting to perform entity retrieval using this unstable session :(

How should I approach the design? I am concerned that managing try-catch blocks at the controller level might shift part of the business logic to the controller, which seems inappropriate.

Is there a suitable design pattern for this situation?

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