dimanche 13 août 2023

Laravel: Using resolve or inject from __construct?

I'm new to Laravel, recently I've learned what Service Container can do. After some researching, I found that either using resolve method or injecting dependency from constructor, I can always mock class and test my class. So I wonder is there any benefits to inject class into constructor?


class Cat 
    public function speak()
        return 'Meow!!';

1- using dependency injection

class PetService
    public function __construct(Cat $cat)
        $this->cat = $cat;

    public function testFunc()
        return $this->cat->speak();

2- using resolve method

class PetService
    public function testFunc()
        $cat = resolve(Cat::class);
        return $cat->speak();

in testing-

class TestContainerTest extends TestCase
     * A basic unit test example.
     * @return void
    public function test_example()
        $mock = $this->mock(Cat::class, function (MockInterface $mock) {

        $node = resolve(PetService::class);

both 2 ways can print "test". It means the mock success. Using constructor to inject may lead to heavy code in constructor, instead using resolve I can call class anywhere.

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