jeudi 5 janvier 2023

I like Python. I like Go. I want to build a webscraper for 1 website. What do I use and why? [closed]

So, I'm currently learning Go and can see how it is best suited for certain situations(i.e concurrency and ability to compile). However, I'm also familiar with python and I'm not too sure which language to use. I want to build a tool that scans a specific online marketplace, going through a series of endpoints(clearance, top deals, etc) grabing the best discount to price ratio items and parsing data in a meaningful way. I feel this would better for python as this project feel more like a script than a full-fledged tool I would compile. Could someone explain why one should be used over the other? Thanks

tldr; I like Python. I like Go. I want to build webscraper for 1 website. What do I use and why?

I've attempted this project in python before and I can definitely appreciate the simple syntax python brings. However, as I learn Go I see just how powerful this language is, yet I feel wrong hard coding a single website and compiling a web scraper that will only be used for one 1 site.

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