mercredi 25 octobre 2017

Use builder pattern in Spring for rest api

I'm creating rest api in spring boot and I need suggestions on whats the best approach to use builder pattern in Spring because I'm new to Spring. (Database entity)

public class Product{
    private String name;
    private String sku;


public interface ProductBuilder {
    public ProductBuilder setBasicDetails(String name, String sku)

public class ProductBuilderImpl implements ProductBuilder{

    // issue is with creating new object of `Product`

    public ProductBuilder setBasicDetails(String name, String sku) {
        return this;

Suggestions for creating new object of Product for multiple HTTPRequest in following approaches.

Approach 1: @Autowired ProductBuilder.

public class xyzServiceImpl implements xyzService{

    private ProductBuilder productBuilder;

    // business logic

xyzServiceImpl is singleton so ProductBuilder will create only one object of Product and its shared between Thread/Request

HTTP Request 1: Product is initialized with id = null > Perform save > id = 123

HTTP Request 2: Got the object[ = 123] updated in HTTP Request 1 but I want new object every time.

So I tried following solution but not working

public class ModelBuilderConfiguration {

    @Scope(value = "prototype")
    public ProductBuilder productBuilder(){
        return new ProductBuilderImpl();

and creating initMethod in ProductBuilderImpl to create new object.

public class ModelBuilderConfiguration {

    @Bean(initMethod = "initMethod")
    @Scope(value = "prototype")
    public ProductBuilder productBuilder(){
        return new ProductBuilderImpl();

and I used @Scope(value = "prototype", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) but this is also not working.

And using ThreadLocal works with @Autowired but is it recommended?

public class ProductBuilderImpl implements ProductBuilder{

    private ThreadLocal<Product> product = new ThreadLocal<Product>(){
        protected Product initialValue() {
            return new Product();

    public ProductBuilder setBasicDetails(String name, String sku) {
        return this;

Approach 2: Create new object in constructor.

public class ProductBuilderImpl implements ProductBuilder{

    private Product product;

    public ProductBuilderImpl() {
        product = new Product();

    public ProductBuilder setBasicDetails(String name, String sku) {
        return this;

And use it in xyzServiceImpl like ProductBuilder productBuilder = new ProductBuilderImpl(); so I'll get the new object every time.

So which is best approach considering spring? Or suggest better way for initializing Product object.

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