mercredi 4 mars 2020

Template Design Pattern in Python question on overriding the template method

Am I violating the template design pattern in Python?

So I have a base class where I created the template method and I wanted to create two additional classes that I can use to do a normal function return and generator function yield?

I had to override the do_something method and change the statement from "return" to keyword "yield" or is there another alternative design code changes that I should have done?

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class BaseClass(ABC):
    def do_something(self):
        x = self.do_step1()
        y = self.do_step2()
        return x + y

    def do_step1(self):

    def do_step2(self):

class ReturnClass(BaseClass):
    def do_something(self):
        x = self.do_step1()
        y = self.do_step2()
        return x + y

    def do_step1(self):
        return 1

    def do_step2(self):
        return 1

class YieldClass(BaseClass):
    def do_something(self):
        x = self.do_step1()
        y = self.do_step2()
        yield x + y

    def do_step1(self):
        return 2

    def do_step2(self):
        return 2

class ConcreteReturnClass(ReturnClass):
    def do_step1(self):
        return 3

    def do_step2(self):
        return 3

class ConcreteYieldClass(YieldClass):
    def do_step1(self):
        return 4

    def do_step2(self):
        return 4

if __name__ == '__main__':
    return_class = ConcreteReturnClass();

    yield_class = ConcreteYieldClass();

My goal is to create a base class to serve as a template but I wanted to reuse the same class and change the implementation from returning just a single keyword to yielding just like how generator functions are. I think I am violating the principle but I could not figure out a viable alternative.

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