dimanche 24 décembre 2017

Factory pattern along with DI using Unity container

I am learning design patterns,Below is my sample code where I have implemented Factory pattern and instance creation I have delegated to Unity container Framework(DI) to build the loosely coupled system. Below is my sample code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Unity;

namespace DesignPatternsDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            iPaymentGateway gateway = PaymentGatwayFactory.NewPaymentGatway(GateWay.SHIFT4);
            gateway = PaymentGatwayFactory.NewPaymentGatway(GateWay.WELLSFARGO);
            gateway = PaymentGatwayFactory.NewPaymentGatway(GateWay.PROTOBASE);

        enum GateWay
            PROTOBASE = 1,
            SHIFT4 = 2,
            WELLSFARGO = 3

         //Factory class
        class PaymentGatwayFactory
            public static iPaymentGateway NewPaymentGatway(GateWay GateWayType)
                 //Dependency injection using unity container
                var container = new UnityContainer();
                iPaymentGateway result = null;
                switch (GateWayType)
                    case GateWay.SHIFT4:
                        container.RegisterType<iPaymentGateway, SHIFT4Gateway>();
                        result = container.Resolve<SHIFT4Gateway>();
                    case GateWay.WELLSFARGO:
                        container.RegisterType<iPaymentGateway, WellsFargoGateway>();
                        result = container.Resolve<WellsFargoGateway>();
                        container.RegisterType<iPaymentGateway, ProtobaseGateway>();
                        result = container.Resolve<ProtobaseGateway>();

                return result;

        class WellsFargoGateway : iPaymentGateway
            public void CreatePaymentGateway()
                Console.WriteLine("Implement Wells Fargo logic");

        class SHIFT4Gateway : iPaymentGateway
            public void CreatePaymentGateway()
                Console.WriteLine("Implement SHIFT4 logic");

        class ProtobaseGateway : iPaymentGateway
            public void CreatePaymentGateway()
                Console.WriteLine("Implement Protobase logic");

        interface iPaymentGateway
            void CreatePaymentGateway();

Is this is the right way of implementing Factory pattern and using unity framework?

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