Directions for Verilog program: The goal of this assignment is for you to learn to program a Verilog module which recognizes the first five letters of your full name when entered (in the correct order) and indicates by showing a "match" (to be one). Otherwise, it will show the match to be zero.
• The first 5 letters of your full name (composed by your given name, a space, and your family name), character by character case sensitive (only the first letter of your given and family names are upper case).
• A bit-wise ripple memory module can be used to "memorize" a sequence of single bits (as a unary pattern), but not multiple bits in a character. However, if each bit position in a character is to be memorized by one ripple memory module, and with seven memory modules for each of the seven bits in each character; a sequence of characters can thus be memorized.
• As each memory module holds a unary pattern composed by the arrivals of bits from the same bit position in a character, and if the unary pattern matches the bit sequence (from the same bit location); it may declare a match. And when all memory modules collectively indicate so, the character string has been recognized.
I took the baseline code that was given that recognizes '123' and began to change it to accept a name. I understand the the RecognizerMod is where most of the changes need to be made, but do not understand this part of it:
RippleMod Ripple6(clk, ascii[6], Q[6]);
nor(submatch[6], Q[6][2], Q[6][1], Q[6][0]);
not(invQ12, Q[1][2]);
and(submatch[1], invQ12, Q[1][1], Q[1][0]);
and(match, submatch[6], ... submatch[0]);
Below is the code I have so far.
module TestMod;
parameter STDIN = 32'h8000_0000; // keyboard-input file-handle address
reg clk;
reg [6:0] str [1:6]; // to what's to be entered
wire match; // to be set 1 when matched
reg [6:0] ascii; // each input letter is an ASCII bitmap
RecognizerMod my_recognizer(clk, ascii, match);
initial begin
$display("Enter the first 5 digits of your name: ");
str[1] = $fgetc(STDIN); // 1st letter
str[2] = $fgetc(STDIN); // 2nd letter
str[3] = $fgetc(STDIN); // 3rd letter
str[4] = $fgetc(STDIN); // 4th letter
str[5] = $fgetc(STDIN); // 5th letter
str[6] = $fgetc(STDIN); // ENTER key
$display("Time clk ascii match");
$monitor("%4d %b %c %b %b", $time, clk, ascii, ascii, match);
clk = 0;
ascii = str[1];
#1 clk = 1; #1 clk = 0;
ascii = str[2];
#1 clk = 1; #1 clk = 0;
ascii = str[3];
#1 clk = 1; #1 clk = 0;
ascii = str[4];
#1 clk = 1; #1 clk = 0;
ascii = str[5];
#1 clk = 1; #1 clk = 0;
module RecognizerMod(clk, ascii, match);
input clk;
input [6:0] ascii;
output match;
wire [0:2] Q [6:0]; // 3-input sequence, 7 bits each
wire [6:0] submatch; // all bits matched (7 3-bit sequences)
wire invQ12, invQ01;
// 654 3210 Q
// hex binary
// '1' 31 011 0001 < q2
// '2' 32 011 0010 < q1
// '3' 33 011 0011 < q0
RippleMod Ripple6(clk, ascii[6], Q[6]);
nor(submatch[6], Q[6][2], Q[6][1], Q[6][0]);
not(invQ12, Q[1][2]);
and(submatch[1], invQ12, Q[1][1], Q[1][0]);
and(match, submatch[6], ... submatch[0]);
//always @(clk) $display("is %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b",
// match, submatch, Q[6], Q[5], Q[4], Q[3], Q[2], Q[1], Q[0]);
module RippleMod(clk, ascii_bit, q);
input clk, ascii_bit;
output [0:2] q;
reg [0:2] q; // flipflops
always @(posedge clk) begin
q[0] <= ascii_bit;
q[1] <= q[0];
q[2] <= q[1];
initial q = 3'bxxx;
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