It's about my HMVC project, which should not contain any static class members, static methods, or singletons. I'm using a dependency injection container. The M, V & C components are encapsulated in "independent" blocks, e.g. in modules (module directories).
I need to decide the best way of assigning default values to the parameters of the class constructors and methods.
Option 1: "Hard-code" the default values:
abstract class AbstractView {
public function __construct(
, $appLayoutsPath = '[app-root-path]/Layouts/Default'
, $moduleLayoutsPath = '[module-root-path]/Templates/Layouts'
, $moduleTemplatesPath = '[module-root-path]/Templates/Templates'
) {
Option 2: Assign the default values by reading them from a class containing only class constants:
class Constants {
const APP_LAYOUTS_PATH = '[app-root-path]/Layouts/Default';
const MODULE_LAYOUTS_PATH = '[module-root-path]/Templates/Layouts';
const MODULE_TEMPLATES_PATH = '[module-root-path]/Templates/Templates';
abstract class AbstractView {
public function __construct(
, $appLayoutsPath = Constants::APP_LAYOUTS_PATH
, $moduleLayoutsPath = Constants::MODULE_LAYOUTS_PATH
, $moduleTemplatesPath = Constants::MODULE_TEMPLATES_PATH
) {
I'd like to ask you:
- From your perspective, which option would be the proper one? Can you please tell me why?
- Regarding the second option: Is class
introducing tight coupling? Or maybe low cohesion? Or maybe some other form of interdependence? - Is there a better alternative?
Any idea or small tip based on your experience will be a big help for me.
Thank you very much.
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